Anaerobic BioChem (ABC®) – The “Green” Substrate

In 1998, Redox Tech introduced its proprietary formulation for anaerobic biodegradation of halogenated solvents in groundwater. The product, Anaerobic BioChem or ABC®, is a patented mixture of lactates, fatty acids, alcohols, and a phosphate buffer. ABC® contains soluble lactic acid as well as slow- and long-term releasing components. Redox Tech was one of the first companies to recognize the importance of maintaining optimum pH for bacterial growth. For that reason, ABC® has always had a phosphate buffer and other alkaline materials, when necessary, to help maintain optimal pH. The phosphate buffer also serves as a micronutrient for bioremediation.
Since ABC’s introduction, millions of pounds of ABC® have been used on thousands of sites throughout the United States and Europe. Over time, the “essential ingredients” have been slightly modified. Still, to our knowledge, ABC® remains the only carbon substrate on the crowded market formulated specifically for each site’s unique geochemistry, biology, and hydrogeology.

“Green” Before Green Was Cool

As a niche environmental remediation contractor, we have consistently recognized the importance of remaining environmentally conscious. Prior to the “green” rise of popularity, Redox Tech refined waste streams from green energy processes, such as ethanol and biodiesel production to formulate ABC®. Only a small percentage of the components are “virgin” chemicals.

ABC® Advantages

  • WATER SOLUBLE – the most significant advantage of ABC® is that it is completely soluble in water, even the long-lasting carbon component. There is no need to emulsify our product, and thus no worry about an emulsion breaking. Also, the need for large volumes of “chase” water is eliminated because it is a water-soluble product.
  • LONG LASTING – ABC® into bioavailable C18 fatty acids through hydrolysis, so we are essentially using the same long-lived components of emulsified oils without having to emulsify or wait for hydrolysis to occur.
  • NATURAL CO-SOLVENT – ABC®, through a license with Oregon State University, adds ethyl lactate, a “green” co-solvent. This helps dissolve fatty acids and serves as a solvent for sites that may have DNAPL because the ethyl lactate solvates the DNAPL and promotes rapid treatment.
  • GREEN – ABC® is formulated with byproducts from “green” energy processes, making it better for the environment.
  • COST-COMPETITIVE – carbon substrates are becoming commodities, and ABC® is priced accordingly. When all factors are considered, ABC® is a great value.

Let Redox Tech help formulate an enhanced anaerobic program for your site today. For more information contact our Main Office.

Additional Info:

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1ABC® is protected by US Patent 6,001,252.