Soil Blending

Contamination in the unsaturated zone or in low permeability sediments, like clay and silt, can be difficult to remediate using conventional approaches. Soil blending overcomes the issues of preferential flow paths and recalcitrant contaminant pockets by mechanically mixing remediation products with contaminated soil, in-situ.

Whether it’s direct oxidation of source area contaminants, metals stabilization, or installing a permeable reactive barrier, Redox Tech’s soil blending services ensure that remediation products are uniformly and effectively distributed in the subsurface, making maximal contact with contaminants of concern.

Rotary Drum Blending

Redox Tech uses our state of the art, dual-engine soil blending unit to blend deeper, faster, and more thoroughly than anyone else in the field. Rotary blending can be performed in the unsaturated zone, or up to twenty feet below the water table. It’s our go-to blending method when large volumes of soil need to be treated with speed and precision.  Real time, centimeter accuracy positioning equipment allows our operators to ensure that target depths have been achieved. When these data are exported, they serve as an indelible record of the work completed at each site, giving our clients an additional layer of security in knowing that work was completed to spec.

Check out the videos below to see our rotary blender in action.

Soil blending with permanganate remediated chlorinated alkenes to non-detectable levels between ground surface and a depth of 24 feet.

After blending permanganate, the top five feet of soil was blended with three weight percent portland cement. Within 24 hours the soil had high enough load bearing capacity to allow this excavator to easily travers the previously supersaturated ground.

Blending OBC™ to remediate petroleum impacted soil and groundwater at a site in coastal Louisiana.

Large Diameter Auger Blending

We offer large diameter auger (LDA) blending services for sites with deep contamination in sediments not amenable to traditional remediation. By leveraging technology used to install deep bridge pilings LDA blending can reach much greater depths than rotary blending, and is particularly useful on source areas in tight, unconsolidated formations with high contaminant concentrations.

The video below shows our LDA rig blending potassium permanganate injected through the auger flight directly into the subsurface.

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